These are some photos taken at various events...
We were in Gasser Magazine! - 06/01/2018
For fun, Dave had written an accounting of the history of our Anglia project. We are members of the Gasser club so he submitted it to the club magazine "Gasser Magazine". In the summer of 2018, our article appeared in their issue #143. It was cool to see it in print.
First Coast Car Council - Cruisin' to the Creek - 10/03/2015

It was a beautiful day for a car show at the Trout Creek Marina. The car won a "Top 40" award.

We went to the local FCCC cruise-in for our anniversary - 02/02/2013
Feb. 02, 2013 To celebrate our 44th wedding anniversary, we took the car to a local cruise in.

Billetproof Drags Lakeland, FL - 10/21/2012
Back to the roots of drag racing! Billetproof is heads up, run what you brung, drag racing on an 1/8th mile track. We trailered the Anglia to the track and the paddock was full of old cars when we got there. The weather was beautiful, clear and about 85 degrees.
There were lots of cool cars, rails, altered's and even mini-bikes and some karts. We had fun talking to lots of people and watching the other cars make their runs.
We made a couple of runs against older generation Anglias. That was a great photo op that we didn't get. Sue even got to ride along on two of our runs, which made the weekend a real fun time for both of us. Unfortunately, since Sue was in the car, we didn't get much "outside" video of our runs. We did get some "in-car" video & our granddaughter, Nikki, got one video on her cell phone. You can see these on our Videos link at the top of this page.
I don't think the track conditions allowed the car to hook up as good as it did in Gainesville, but the car ran well and straight as an arrow. The runs with two of us in the car were a little slower, but our best solo run time was 6.774 @ 101.56mph. It was a really fun event. We met a lot of nice people and had a great day of racing!

Anglia Test & Tune - 04/25/12
We made a couple of setup changes and took the Anglia back to Gainesville Raceway for another test & tune night. The weather was beautiful; about 80 degrees with a little breeze. On the first run, after a decent burnout, the car launched harder and was more stable at speed than our 1st T&T night.
On the second run, after sitting in the burnout box for a period of time, the motor loaded up and ran a little flat until it cleaned out about the shift point. As a result, the run was; disappointing. After our 2nd T&T night, it looks as though we have some rpm left, so we're planning a gear change.

Anglia Test & Tune - 04/04/2012
Finally! We took our Anglia to Gainesville Raceway for its first test & tune night.
The little gasser went straight and true right out of the box! We had it setup a little conservatively for the first time to the track. Now that we see it will behave itself, we can dial it in some more. Hopefully, we can get some more pictures and video soon.
There is a video of the Anglia's first run at Gainesville Raceway on the Videos link at the top of this page.

Ocala Billetproof Show - 03/17/2012
We drove to the Billetproof FL 2012 at the Don Garlits museum in Ocala, FL. See our Videos link at the top of this page for some footage.

N.S.R.S. in Tampa, FL - 10/16/2011
We trailered the car to the National Street Rod Association show in Tampa, FL.

Gainesville Billetproof Show - 04/09/2011
We drove the car to the Billetproof car show at the Gainesville, FL Fairgrounds. Dave was very surprised to win the trophy for "Best Competition".